Collection: BULK
We offer singles, 6-packs, and 12-packs for most growers who visit our website, however we do offer BULK clones & teen plants, as that was how we originally started in the industry serving growers.
See the BULK tab above in the navigation to reach out with a bulk contact form to indicate your needs. Alternatively you can view in the navigation above to see our LIVE Inventory UPDATED weekly for Clone & Teen Inventories at our nurseries.
The Qty shown means you can order singles or bulk up to the qty shown. This will help you decide if the strain you want that week is ready or needs another 2-3 weeks until can be rooted ready to ship. Local Pickup for wholesale can be arranged.
Contact us with the form in the BULK tab above, we can assist with ANY QTY when preordered, of the TIER 1 list.